Band Bio

Over the last fourteen years Gan Ainm (Irish for “without a name”) have established themselves as Singapore’s number 1 Celtic Band. With an extensive repertoire of Irish traditional and folk music, mixed with a dash of Irish rock music, punk and Celtic-influenced American pieces, as well as a few more contemporary popular songs, the band have entertained audiences at bars, clubs and functions throughout Singapore and South East Asia.

Originally started as a small acoustic group, the line-up of Gan Ainm has changed over the years to their current 5-piece folk-rock incarnation. The band are:

Eoin Ó Muimhneacháin (accordion / vocals) grew up in Cork where, as a young lad, he was taught to play accordion by an old woman from Kerry. As a teen he ignored all he had learned and formed a Pogues cover band called The Shamrogues, which at Uni eventually became the even more cleverly titled The Undertrads. In 2009 he left Cork and hauled his accordion to Singapore, but 2 years later, having failed to find much use for it, he reluctantly concluded that there was no Irish music in Sg. Then he met some Gan Ainm members at a session at Molly Malone's. They quickly set him straight and press-ganged him into joining the band, where he has been drinking heavily ever since...

Justin La Spina (aka Rusty) (drums / vocals) had been a friend of the band and regular gig-goer since moving to Singapore and officially joined the band in 2012 as part of the new expanded line-up. He has also made guest appearances with a host of other Singapore based acts. He got a shiny new drum kit for his birthday in 2013 and enjoys hitting it repeatedly in a rhythmic fashion for your entertainment.

Paul McCracken ( vocals / guitar / saxaphone) is the frontman of the band, and is a drama teacher from Ireland (commonly confused with Paul Hannon, former frontman of the band who was also a drama teacher from Ireland.) When Paul's not busy rehearsing for our gigs, he can be found speaking incomprehensibly in his Northern Irish accent or DJing in the wee hours of the morning in venues the rest of us aren't cool enough to get into.

Luke Stansmore (Guitar) - probably the stubbiest fingers of any guitarist. He taught himself the guitar at 9 before he even learned how to read. Luke has spent more than 20 years of his life obsessed with the art and science of music. He left his multi-million dollar guitar teaching business back home in Bondi in 2013 because “those who do, do and those who can’t teach”. Inspired by the likes of Jimi Hendrix, Pete Townsend, Full Metal Jacket (1987), dancing alien cats and grinding teeth.

Paddy Troy (bass / himself) Standing at almost 2m tall, Paddy is the tallest bassist in Gan Ainm, and possibly Singapore. Unfortunately, this results in a high centre of gravity, and he is likely to be found leaning on things (mostly Eoin), especially after a few drinks. He comes from Dublin, and has played in a variety of shit bands in his tweens and twenty's. He is a firm believer that enthusiasm trumps skill in every aspect of life, whether it's work, sex or playing music. Paddy likes punk music, beer and dirty jokes. Paddy's dislikes include the general public, writing bios and slow walkers.


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