Sunday, September 25, 2011

So, about this whole website thing...

Yes, we know we said way back in February 2009 that there would be updates "soon"... but what can I say - life is hectic. But better late than never, I suppose....

So what's new? Well, if you have seen us play recently you may have noticed the occasional presence of a fifth musician - please welcome Eoin on squeezebox! Hopefully he will be more of a permanent fixture with us, but that all depends on his tight work schedule...

You may also have seen Neville rocking his saxophone... not an entirely traditional instrument, but a hell of a lot of fun in some tunes!

And as for what's new on the website - well, we have finally got a gig list up for you, so if you want to see where you can catch us next it's an easy click.. and I have been embedding links into the venue names, so you click on them and find the exact location if you are unsure.

Stay tuned - we are planning early 2012 already and will hopefully have some big news in store for the St Patrick's day celebrations next March....

Take care all!


  1. Hi Gan Ainm,

    We would like to engage you for Saint Patrick's Day between 5-8pm on 17 March 2012.

    Will u be able to send me a quotation?

    My email address is

    Thank you.

  2. Sorry Natalyn, we are already booked for St. Patrick's Day 2012!


Well, hello there! Thanks for dropping by! We'd love you to leave a comment here, but please don't be swearing or anything as we're a bit sensitive to that kind of thing!
