Thursday, June 28, 2012

Farewell gig... this coming Saturday!

It is with sadness that we announce the imminent departure of Julian O'Connell, our bass player. His professionalism and level head (not to mention his talent!) played a huge part in getting the full-band up and running earlier this year, and he will be sorely missed. We wish him and the family well in Hong Kong.... and look forward to him booking us a tour there next year!! (hint, hint)

Initially it looked like we would not get an official final gig with Julian as all our dates were incompatible... but fortune favours fools like us and thanks to the last minute cancellation of a band at Prince of Wales, Little India, we now have the perfect opportunity to give Julian a rousing send-off!

We also bid farewell to our official photographer, who is moving to Dubai. Lisa did such a fantastic job of making us all look so good that people often don't even recognise us in the flesh!! You can see her work plastered all over this site, including the one of Julian to the left. We wish her, Barry and the kids all the best, and hope to be playing in Dubai's Irish Village for them sometime soon! (again - hint, hint)

So... we will be back with a new bassist later in the year, but don't miss the opportunity to come down and see this lineup of Gan Ainm - the original full-band lineup - one last time!

Prince of Wales, 101 Dunlop Street, Little India
Saturday 30th June from 10pm
Be there or be an equilateral rectangle.


  1. Miss the POW (Little India) and wish I could have afforded to take up an offer to work back over there. Still. 'It's Fun in The Philippines'. Regards to all staff and regulars. Keep the Faith and play the classic (vinyl). :) Ben

  2. Had I known - you'd have been welcome to do the farewell gig at my gaff. But the POW is fun too. I probably won't make it to this so have a blast and give the J man my best wishes. GC

    1. Cheers mate - would probably have been a squeeze getting all seven of us in, mind!


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