Thursday, November 22, 2012

...and on the river flows...

Thank you to all who came along to our final gig with Paul last weekend... despite some whopping tech problems during setup we persevered and had an absolute blast. 'Twas a tad emotional, saying farewell to the man who to many people IS Gan Ainm, and we must thank former band members Barry and Emer for their guest appearances.

Still, as we sing so often, "Life goes on, and 'round we go"... we were back in the studio last night re-jigging certain songs to accommodate them being sung by Alex, Miles or Eoin, and we're already raring to get back in the saddle! And that saddle just happens to be on the back of this Saturday night, 24th November, at the Prince of Wales in Little India, from 10pm...

We'll keep folkin' around... see you there!

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